MS4 stands for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems which are systems or conveyances that drain stormwater runoff. This includes catch basins, storm sewers owned and operated by public or private entities, channels, ditches, curbs, etc. and is not part of a combined or sanitary sewer system.
A Municipality is bound by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) to meet the state and federal stormwater regulations associated with the Federal Cleanwater Act under the MS4 Program. A municipality is considered an MS4 when a municipality lies within any urbanized area within the municipal boundaries.
Elizabeth Township is currently considered an MS4 Permittee which is administered and managed by the PADEP. Through this permit the Township is required to develop a stormwater management plan that informs the general public, residents, businesses, employees, etc. how to manage stormwater and avoid pollutants from entering our streams such as sediment, metals, fecals, oils and grease, fertilizers, garbage, and more while complying with the MS4 permit requirements.
Involve the Kids
Kids play a vital role in our future and teaching them young about the importance of water quality will kick start life-shaping habits!
Additional Resources
Below you will find some additional resources that further explain the MS4 program and give you ideas on how to get involved!
As a municipality, Elizabeth Township is required to take certain actions to comply with MS4 regulations. Below are the minimum control measures and how we have taken steps to comply with each measure.
Minimum Control Measure #1 -
Public Education and Outreach Plan
Minimum Control Measure #3 -
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Plan
Minimum Control Measure #2 -
Public Involvement and Participation Plan
Minimum Control Measure #4 -
Construction Site Stormwater Management
Minimum Control Measure #5 -
Post Construction Stormwater Management
Minimum Control Measure #6 -
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping
Our MS4 initiatives directly impact all of our township residents, and we need your help to ensure clean water! Below are some ways you can take part in our program right from your house.
Report suspected illicit discharge by calling 412-751-2800 or by filling out the form under MCM 3
Avoid dumping anything in a storm sewer/drain
Properly recycle automotive oils and fluids
Check vehicles for any leaks and repair as soon as possible if found
Organize a community clean up
Recycle and recycle properly
Clean up any excess grass clippings
Install a rain barrel or rain garden on your property
For more ways to help, please visit:
Elizabeth Township MS4 Documents
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Last Revised on 10/7/2024