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Pollution Reduction Plan Revision Notice


Elizabeth Township

Allegheny County

Elizabeth Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, has revised a Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) as required by the PA DEP under the MS4 program. The goal of the PRP is to reduce sediment and total phosphorous flowing into Wylie Run and Fallen Timber Run. The PRP proposes to install stormwater best management practices (BMPs) to reduce the pollutant loading as required. The PRP is available for public review at the Elizabeth Township Municipal building and township website at Written comments will be received from the public 30 days from the date- of this notice. Greg Butler Elizabeth Township

435-09_FINAL_Elizabeth Twp PRP_Revised 8.2023_8.8.23 (1)
Download PDF • 8.14MB

435-09 - Wylie Run and Fallen Timber Run Watersheds Update (1)
Download PDF • 7.51MB

Elizabeth Township is a First-Class Township located in the southeast portion of Allegheny County. The township is nestled between the Youghiogheny and Monongahela rivers. We have affordable housing and many local businesses that create an incredible standard of living for the residents.
U.S State Congress: 12th Congressional District
State Senate: 45th Senatorial District
State House: 39th Legislative District
522 Rock Run Road
Elizabeth, PA 15037
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