The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners will hold their October 2024 workshop on Monday, October 7th, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building.
Elizabeth Township
Board of Commissioners
Monday October 7, 2024, 7:00 PM
Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence
Roll Call
Executive Session Acknowledgement: October 7, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
Department Reports:
Code Enforcement
Public Works
Sanitary-Veolia Water
Township Manager
Committee Reports:
Budget, Finance, Grants, Legislation and General Government
Code Enforcement
Parks & Recreation
Community Events
Public Safety & Public Works
Sanitation & Stormwater
Comprehensive Plan
Business Development
EFSD Collaboration Committee
Redevelopment Authority
Junior Commissioner
Fire Department
Presentation: None
Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet
Discussion: None
Resolutions (Roll Call): None
Ordinances (Roll Call): None
Items for Consideration
Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes):
1. Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated September 9, 2024.
2. Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Workshop Meeting minutes dated September 23, 2024.
3. Motion to declare trick or treat in Elizabeth Township on Thursday October 31, 2024, between the hours of 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes):
4. Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated October 7, 2024, in the amount of $685,815.88.
5. Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated October 7, 2024, in the amount of $426,698.40.
6. Motion to approve the payment of the required Minimum Municipal Obligation for pension account 02-111-4 P in the amount of $379,828.00 for the 2025 plan year.
7. Motion to approve the payment of the required Minimum Municipal Obligation for pension account 02-111-4 N in the amount of $167,863.00 for the 2025 plan year.
8. Motion to distribute $339,743.98 in Act 205 State Pension Aid to pension account 02-111-4 P (Uniform) for the 2025 plan year. This payment will reduce the Minimum Municipal Obligation for that account to $40,084.02.
9. Motion to ratify vote from September 13, 2024, to hire as a full-time Building Inspector/Code Official.
10. Motion to ratify vote from September 20, 2024, to hire a full-time Code Enforcement Officer.
11. Motion to approve a one-time adjustment for sanitary account ETS10058807 in the amount of $100.24.
12. Motion to ratify the vote from September 16, 2024, to purchase a ½ page ad for the SHACOG Annual Dinner program book at a cost of $60.000.
13. Motion to distribute $70,603.28 in 2024 Volunteer Fire Relief Association Funding to the Township volunteer fire departments as follows: $14,120.66 to the Blaine Hill Fire Department; $14,120.66 to the Buena Vista Fire Department: $42,361.96 to Elizabeth Township Fire Department #1
14. Motion to approve payment to Redstone Excavating for the paving and guiderail installation on Jacktown Road in the amount of $239,754.63. This cost will be partially reimbursed with grant funding.
15. Motion to ratify vote from September 24, 2024, to authorize PDDM Solutions to complete a land survey of the current Boston soccer field area at a cost of $10,000.00.
16. Motion to ratify the vote from September 26, 2024, to purchase a new entrance sign for the community center from Squibb-It! at a cost of $795.00.
17. Motion to ratify the vote from September 23, 2024, to execute an agreement between David Paris and Elizabeth Township.
18. Motion to approve the vehicle lease agreement for the new attack truck fire vehicle between Blaine Hill Fire Department and Elizabeth Township.
19. Motion to approve payment to Webster Metals for the demolition of five houses in the amount of $53,500.00.
20. Motion to approve Pay Application # 3 from El Grande Industries for the construction of the Highland Meadows combination pickleball/basketball court in the amount of $25,844.00.
21. Motion to approve Pay Application #6 from PDDM Solutions for the construction of the Boston ballfield at a cost of $21,139.56.
22. Motion to approve the Deed with Olympus Energy, LLC for Parcel 1413-N-391.
23. Motion to approve the purchase and installation of security cameras at the Boston pump station and ballfield from Barrier Protection Systems, Inc. at a cost of $50,751.95.
PDF Download:
The General Fund Bill Warrant:
The Sanitary Bill Warrant: