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New FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Insurance Tool

FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has introduced a new tool that allows home and business owners to populate information regarding their home or business and immediately receive a quote for flood insurance. Owners will then be able to purchase a policy if they choose without any obligation to do so.

This is phase one of this tool. In either late 2025 or early 2026, the tool will be updated to allow anyone desiring to purchase a policy to add in any number of mitigation steps to see in real-time what those mitigation projects could provide them in the way of a policy premium reduction.


Another significant change coming to the NFIP program is the ability to begin purchasing flood insurance while paying a monthly premium versus the current annual premium approach. This may help those currently unable to pay a full year's premium to afford flood insurance protection for their investment. Remember, following a flood event, flood insurance is the only way a structure’s owner can fully recover. This new availability will begin on 12/31/2024!


The link to NFIP's new tool is below:


A permanent link to this tool can be found on this site at:


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