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May 2024 Board of Commissioners Meeting

Updated: May 17

The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners will hold their May 2024 meeting on Monday, May 6th, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building.

The agenda:

Elizabeth Township

Board of Commissioners

Monday May 6, 2024, 7:00 PM

Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda



Call to Order


Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence


Roll Call


Executive Session Acknowledgement:


April 15, 2024 @ 6:00pm – 7:00pm

April 15, 2024 @ 9:30pm – 10:30pm

May 6, 2024 @ 5:30pm – 7:00pm


Department Reports:


Code Enforcement



Public Works

Sanitary-Veolia Water


Township Manager


Committee Reports:


Budget, Finance, Grants, Legislation and General Government

Code Enforcement

Parks & Recreation

Community Events


Public Safety & Public Works

Sanitation & Stormwater

Comprehensive Plan

Business Development

EFSD Collaboration Committee

Redevelopment Authority

Junior Commissioner

Fire Department






Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet





Property Maintenance/ET Proud/Beautification Campaign – Ward 5 – Commissioner Benedek



Resolutions (Roll Call): None



Ordinances (Roll Call):  None



Items for Consideration


 Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes):


1.      Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated April 1, 2024.


2.      Motion to approve the Commissioner's Workshop Meeting minutes dated April 15, 2024


3.      Motion to accept the amendment to the Atlantic Industrial Space, LLC Developer’s Agreement including the new Exhibit A.


4.      Motion to ratify the vote from April 19, 2024, to accept the Olympus Energy alternate truck route to the Champion Compression Station.


5.      Motion to approve the easement agreement with Bruno and Diane Lazzaris for the construction of a rain garden by the Township for MS4 compliance.



Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes):


6.      Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated May 6, 2024, in the amount of $833,559.61.


7.      Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated May 6, 2024, in the amount of $728,173.96.  This amount includes payments for Sanitary Bond 2012, Sanitary Bond 2019A, and Sanitary Bond 2019B.


8.      Motion to renew the annual Esri GIS subscription effective June 28, 2024, at a cost of $4,463.00.


9.      Motion to advertise for contractor bid proposals for guiderail replacement and paving at Jacktown Road.


10.   Motion to authorize KLH Engineers to begin remediation design for Lovedale Pump Station upgrades per the Engineering and Surveying Proposal dated January 15, 2024.


11.   Motion to authorize to perform a special study on the Lovedale Pump Station that will be added to the existing Act 537 study at a cost not to exceed $10,000.00. The special study was requested by the PA Department of Environmental Protection.


12.   Motion to ratify the vote from April 11, 2024, to hire Jenna Dale as a part-time intern for the Police Department for 120 hours at a rate of $15.00 per hour. Ms. Dale will begin the second week of May 2024.     


13.   Motion to ratify the vote from April 3, 2024, approving Tim Vasko Tree Service to cut down two trees in front of Building One (1) at the Community Center at a cost of $2,000.00.


14.   Motion to approve the four-year employment contract for Township Manager, Greg Butler, effective immediately.


15.   Motion to amend Item #23 on the March 4, 2024, meeting minutes to include additional language:  Motion to approve the purchase of a Lee Boy 8520C Paver from Stephenson Equipment, Inc. at cost not to exceed $235,000.00.  $45,000 received for the sale of the old road department paver on Municibid will be applied to this payment. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds will be used to purchase this equipment.


16.   Motion to approve pay application # 4 from Swede Construction in the amount of $38,150.00. This payment is for the Phase 1 construction of remediation ponds for the MS4 Consent Decree.


17.   Motion to donate $150.00 to St. Michael Catholic Church for their Community Festival in August 2024.


18.   Motion to donate $300.00 to the Kastan Uveges V.F.W. Post 7632 for their Memorial Day Parade in May 2024.


19.   Motion to engage Opst and Associates to complete the 2023 GAAP and DCED audits for Elizabeth Township beginning immediately.


20.   Motion to replace six dogwood trees at 750 Lovedale Road at a cost not to exceed $2,000. The trees will replace the trees removed during construction of Jacktown Bridge.


21.   Motion to approve the installation of panic buttons in the Municipal administrative offices at cost of $1,984.15 and a monthly cellular monitoring fee of $40.00 per month. This purchase is recommended by the Public Safety committee.



Agenda PDF:

5-6-2024 Agenda
Download PDF • 130KB

The General Fund Bill Warrant:

5.6.24 Township Bill Warrant
Download PDF • 475KB

The Sanitary Bill Warrant:

5.6.24 Sanitary Bill Warrant
Download PDF • 103KB


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Elizabeth Township is a First-Class Township located in the southeast portion of Allegheny County. The township is nestled between the Youghiogheny and Monongahela rivers. We have affordable housing and many local businesses that create an incredible standard of living for the residents.
U.S State Congress: 12th Congressional District
State Senate: 45th Senatorial District
State House: 39th Legislative District
522 Rock Run Road
Elizabeth, PA 15037
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