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Elizabeth Township & Elizabeth Borough - Code Enforcement Merger

We are excited to announce the merger of the Code Enforcement Departments of Elizabeth Township and Elizabeth Borough, effective 11/01/2024. This decision comes as part of our commitment to improve municipal services and enhance community safety and well-being.

The merger aims to unify our code enforcement efforts, providing a more consistent approach to zoning, building regulations, and property maintenance.

Residents will benefit from a single point of contact for all code enforcement inquiries, making it easier to report issues and seek guidance.

By combining resources and expertise, we can more effectively address code violations and ensure compliance, ultimately improving the quality of life in our communities.

We invite residents to participate in upcoming meetings where we will answer questions and gather your feedback.

Next Steps:

  • During the transition, both municipalities will work closely to ensure smooth integration. We appreciate your patience as we make these changes.

  • We encourage all residents to attend and contribute to the discussion.

  • We believe that this merger will foster a stronger, safer, and more vibrant community for all residents.

Thank you for your continued support!

For all code enforcement matters, please contact the Elizabeth Township Code Enforcement Department at 412-751-2880 option 2.


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Elizabeth Township is a First-Class Township located in the southeast portion of Allegheny County. The township is nestled between the Youghiogheny and Monongahela rivers. We have affordable housing and many local businesses that create an incredible standard of living for the residents.
U.S State Congress: 12th Congressional District
State Senate: 45th Senatorial District
State House: 39th Legislative District
522 Rock Run Road
Elizabeth, PA 15037
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